You have made the commitment to exercise regularly and settle into a healthy lifestyle. It is not always easy to keep up with working out on a regular basis so providing yourself with an energy boost prior to your workout will make the workout go more smoothly, you will feel better, and therefore, are more likely to keep it going.
There are many perfect fuel foods for energy boosts and muscle repair, but women’s bodies are different than men’s. Here are just five of the best fitness fuel foods you should be eating before a workout.
Yogurt: Yogurt gives you an energy spike perfect for before a workout and it is easy to digest. It is pre-workout food at its best.
Cereal: Fuel up with whole grain cereal and fat free milk. It will give you more energy for a better and longer workout.
Oranges: One orange has all the vitamin C requirements for the day and they are portable, perfect for eating on the go. Being rich in vitamin C means they help repair muscle tissue after a workout.
Ground Flaxseed: Flaxseed is fiber packed and a daily dose of 1-2 tablespoons is all you need. Toss it into your cereal and you won’t even notice it is there, it cannot get any easier than that.
Bananas: Bananas are high in potassium, which you need to replace fluids lost from sweating. The carbohydrates in bananas also provide an energy boost to sustain a good workout.
Super charge your workouts with a little fitness fuel beforehand and you’ll find yourself having more energy for a longer and better workout. It will not take long to see the results in the mirror.
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